Schedule Your FREE Dream Partner Discovery Call!


How To Book Your Call

What We Will Cover

  • Get Clarity: What are your goals with real estate, what kind of income are you looking for, and what are your expectations of working with John?
  • Get Direction: Often in real estate it is so easy to be OVERWHELMED with information and opportunities. Let’s first find the direction that your goals are calling you to.
  • Strategies: There are many strategies in real estate and although John teaches the creative strategies, we need to see what strategies align with your goals.
  • ​Get Business Guidance: Whether you are just starting out or have years of experience, this no obligation call will give you valuable guidance on how to get your business to the level that you envision it to be!
  • ​Boost Your Confidence: You'll walk away encouraged and blessed, knowing that you CAN do this!

Book Your Call

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See Our Results - Amazing Testimonies!

Every One Of These Success Stories Started With A Dream Partner Discover Call!

While on your call, be sure to ask about the Plus 1 Program, and see if it might be the secret to unlock the doors you’ve been trying to open!

Proximity Is Power!

With the Plus 1 Program, you and John or his advisor will discuss your much larger ideas and visions. The vision that goes well beyond real estate.

Let me ask you. If you were already doing all of the real estate you wanted….then what? What would you want BEYOND that?Can you work with John to attain $250k a year in real estate? Yes.

But then what?

Real Estate, Life, Immersion.

Who can John connect you to that could literally transform your world, and get you that much closer to your life vision?

Proximity Is Power, and John can get you the proximity you need.

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